West Bengal on Monday recorded 3,583 COVID-19 cases taking the full numbers to 2,98,389. The State recorded 60 deaths in the previous 24 hours taking the fatalities to five,682. The energetic cases rose to 30,604 and the discharge price in the State remained at 87.84%.
The proportion of constructive cases out of samples examined stays at 7.99%. The State examined 40,056 samples in the previous 24 hours and the full variety of samples examined thus far in West Bengal stays at 37.33 lakh.
Of the 60 deaths recorded on Monday, Kolkata registered 19 deaths taking the toll to 1,896. North 24 Parganas accounted for 16 deaths taking the toll to 1,281.
Kolkata recorded 717 COVID-19 cases to take the full in the town to 65,160, whereas North 24 Parganas recorded 759 cases.