Pancham Dham Trust; reviving the glory of Sanatana Dharma. During the historic event, Indresh Kumar, RSS Veteran and Dr. Sailesh Lachu Hiranandani visited the King Monk; blessed for start developing Sanatan Buddha University in Cambodia. The high-level meeting with the king monk was held in connection with the prestigious 5th Pancham Dham Yatra. During the meeting, the King Monk was ecstatic about the movement and committed his blessings and never-ending support for initiating the Sanatan Buddha University. “Pancham Dham is on a mission – reviving the glory of Sanatana Dharma“.
King Monk – Cambodia
Pancham Dham at Siem Reap, Cambodia is India’s gift to the world as Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. The tone for the future of Sanatana Dharma seems to be forming with followers from all across the globe and who are part of the Yatra being organized at Siem Reap, Cambodia. The event has been witnessing giant strides with people from all walks of life including Saints, Rishis, Gurus, Politicians, Bureaucrats, Diplomats, and people from all religions and faith.
The 5-day long event at Siem Reap, Cambodia saw a large number of followers flying from all over the world to be a part of Pancham Dham and to witness the laying of the foundation stone of the coveted “Sanatan Sanskar Meditation Center” at Siem Reap. The construction and overall development of Pancham Dham Nyas Dhyan Kendra will be taking place under the guidance and leadership of Sailesh Vats. More than 100 people from India also made it to the 5th Pancham Dham Yatra. The 5-day long journey began on May 31, 2022, and concluded on June 4, 2022. Pancham Dham Trust, the flag bearer for the historic event in Cambodia, has been at the forefront of various cultural activities. The trust has been instrumental in pulling together the East Asian countries through the Fifth Dham initiative by fostering the thought process viz. Sanatana Dharma.
The 5 day long program was Sailesh Vats is also the Secretary and a Trustee of Pancham Dham Yatra and is also the organizer of the prestigious event as well.
The Pancham Dham initiative was started on the 1st of June 2018, in the Kulen Mountains, Cambodia; earlier known as the 1008 Names of Shiva. During the COVID pandemic, the movement could not see people joining together, However, post COVID, the movement/meet is gaining the right momentum and has been able to continue on the path of Sanatana Dharma. The COVID-19 pandemic could not stop the patrons and Dham veterans from continuing the path of spirituality. The initiative is turning over a new leaf every year under the leadership and guidance Indresh Kumar, RSS Veteran and Dr. Sailesh Lachu Hiranandani.
“One has to follow the ‘dharma prescribed for him and it is hazardous to tread on what is ordained for another is stressed in the Gita in two places.”