Police destroy 20,400 litres of ID liquor near Uppada
The East Godavari police, led by Superintendent of Police M. Raveendranath Babu, destroyed over 20,400 litres of ID liquor near Uppada beach on Friday.
“Over 20,400 litres of ID liquor was seized in recent raids conducted across East Godavari district. The liquor destroyed on Friday is worth ₹50 lakh,” Mr. Raveendranath Babu said.
Police and Special Enforcement Bureau (Sand and Liquor) teams conducted raids on potential areas where they seized the liquor. The police destroyed the jaggery wash on the spot during the raids. The SEB is led by Joint Director (SEB-East Godavari) A. Ramadevi.
“Liquor has been seized in 1,605 cases. Out of these, 450 cases were reported from Kakinada city and rural limits, 315 from Peddapauram, and 125 from Rampa Agency,” said Mr. Raveendranath Babu.
Since May 2020, 11,108 cases have been registered, and 81,000 litres of ID liquor seized and 57 lakh litres of jaggery wash destroyed in the district.
Mr. Raveendranath Babu promised employment opportunities for the youth belonging to the families engaged in the production of ID liquor.
“Nearly 4,500 youth from the families producing and trading in ID liquor have been offered employment, persuading their families to quit the trade and production in Krishna district. I am preparing to replicate the same model in East Godavari district,” said Mr. Raveendranath Babu.